Unlock the investment potential of your property without investing any money!
Sell your house as is! No showings, no inspections, no appraisals, no real estate commission, no mortgage contingency and best of all no obligation! Unlike real estate agents, we make our money on construction so we do not collect a commission on this transaction. These savings can add up an additional $100,000 in your pocket!
At NO COST to you, Buildmentor will:
Design and market a future new construction to be built on your property.
Negotiate contract between you and the buyer for the sale of your property with newly constructed home.
Finalize design/drawings with buyer and obtain all necessary permits.
Complete construction of a new home in place of your existing home within one year.
You can list your existing home for sale simultaneously with the new construction and attract twice as many buyers! In addition to this, the new construction will be advertised below market value to ensure a speedy sale. This price reduction is realized because the home is never purchased by a middle-man developer. One less transaction means half the closing costs and these savings are then passed down to both buyer and seller.
Need money for housing in the meantime? We offer bridge loans, construction loans and other financing options at bank rates to both buyer and seller to facilitate the transaction.
There is no obligation and no exclusivity!
Traditional Transaction:
Our Proposition:


Estimated Sale Price: $1,300,000
Agent Commission: -$39,000
Closing Costs (tax, title, ins.): -$16,000
Seller’s Profit: $1,246,000
Estimated Sale Price: $2,700,000
Design & Marketing: -$10,000
Cost of Construction: -$1,250,000
Construction Financing: -$15,000
Holding Cost (tax, utilities, etc): -$30,000
Closing Costs (tax, title, ins.): -$32,000
Seller’s Profit: $1,363,000
Additional Profit of $117,000!​
~ 9% in one year
If you are considering selling your home and want to make EXTRA MONEY, please call us at 973-417-0955 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation in our Short Hills office or at your home.